Parentage: Ben Alder x SCRI C2/1/62 (Breeder's number - SCRI S26/1/2)
Flowering: Generally flowers around 6-8 days after Ben Lomond.
Cropping season: Harvest is usually at least 8 days after Ben Lomond. High yields (4-year average in West Midlands trials = 7.52 t/ha).
Mechanical Harvesting: Well adapted to mechanical harvesting.
Growth Habit: Strong growing with upright habit.
Fruit Quality: Some high Brix levels achieved, moderate vitamin C but good anthocyanin content. Berries have good hangability.
Disease and Pest Resistance: Resistant to mildew and generally to leafspot. Susceptible to gall mite and reversion, although cropping is only slowly affected.
Other comments: Ben Dorain was released in 2002. It generally performs best in northern and western UK. Ben Dorain is currently restricted to certain growers.